Funding for Homebirth (Qld)
Until very recently, Queensland has been the only Australian state to withhold publicly funded homebirth from its women, and even now it is only available from Sunshine Coast University Hospital. This is left Queensland women with greatly reduced options until a Commonwealth department and a major Queensland hospital paid a private practising midwife fees for a couple of women. Upon hearing of those cases, a Queensland govt MP also agreed to pay the out of pocket costs of a private practising midwife at home for women in that electorate.
In response, Homebirth Queensland and Maternity Choices Australia decided to launch a state-wide homebirth funding campaign for a collective of individual women.
Our aim is to show consumer demand and to test the new Queensland Human Rights Act, which prohibits coercion and makes access to the highest attainable health services available. We do this due to extensive research that shows that homebirth is the safest option for low risk women.
See the information below for the requirements needed and steps to take that could lead to receiving funding for your home birth.
You need to be:
currently pregnant and planning to birth at home under the care of a privately practising midwife,
currently enrolled to vote in Queensland, and
in the "low risk" category for your pregnancy.
If you don't meet the above requirements, or if you private health insurance doesn't cover private midwifery, email us ​at complaints-at-maternitychoices.org.au.
Step by step...
Ask your midwife to write a letter to state that you are under their care and are planning to birth at home. Also include that you are low risk and a great candidate for homebirth. Add any relevant history from your previous birth if you have any. Eg. Previous child born at home with no complications/previous trauma associated with hospital birth, continuity of midwifery carer would support better maternal and infant outcomes.
If there is a disability or mental health diagnosis and what their recommendation for reasonable adjustments are ie in home care.
You can show them our example for reference if you wish.
Ask your midwife to email you a copy of their statement of fees or an invoice with the total out of pocket costs of your homebirth care, including antenatal, birth and post-natal fees.
This will show the hospital/MP exactly what you are seeking funding for after Medicare rebate. It will add up to around $4500-5000.
Write a letter yourself. This will become the body of your email to the hospital. You can use our template and add additional information if you have a history of hospital or personal trauma/abuse etc. Also include low income or First Nations status if relevant. Sign, Date and add your address to letter. Make sure to email draft to Azure or Amanda and ask for feedback.
Prepare the email to request funding.
Your submission will need to have the right documents attached then emailed to your local hospital from your private email.
You will need the 3 documents listed above and the rest of the attachments you need are included in our 'Supporting Documents' file.
You can have a look at what finished looks like HERE
Write your email with subject line: Formal Complaint
Dear CEO,
Please find attached formal funding complaint request.
Regards Your name
Your phone number
Your address
Send your email and all attachments to your local Hospital (HHS) and CC in everyone on our checklist.
You can find the hospital (HHS) patient liasion, Department Liaison Officer (DLO) emails HERE
Note the date you emailed the complaint in your calendar and set alarm for every 2 weeks in case they don't respond, this will ensure you are not forgotten. Mark 45 days after complaint submitted as you can then forward to OHO and QHRC after 45 days from date of complaint.
You may need to chase up a response from them and your state MP by email and or phone if you don't get a response.
Book a meeting with MP and confirm attendance with Azure and/or Amanda as we will be your support person in this meeting. (We can also combine a meeting with other women in your electorate in our campaign and have a group one instead). You will be required to attend this meeting in person or via Zoom. We will prepare you and also speak to the issue on your behalf. You will just need to tell your story. Our MP’s job is to advocate and listen to its constituents issues, that’s YOU. It’s not as scary as it sounds. We will support you all of the way.
If the hospital denies requests for funding, we will follow up with the MP with the hospital correspondence and request funding from the MP instead.
If you wish to do media to agitate the issue, let us know.
After 45 days you can send a copy of your initial complaint and any correspondence from hospital/MP to Office of Health Ombudsman and Qld human rights commission
Subject: ‘lodge formal complaint via email’
You can find out the HHS (Hospital & Health Service) and DLO (Department Liaison Officer) email addresses for your hospital HERE
Unsure which Health Service your hospital is in?
Check HERE
Hospital | Region | HHS Email | Department Email |
Bundaberg Hospital | Wide Bay | wbhsd-cgsu@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Longreach Hospital | Central West | cw-safety@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Atherton Hospital | Cairns and Hinterland | CHHHS_feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Goondiwindi Hospital | Darling Downs | consumer_liasion_ddhhs@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Beaudesert Hospital | Metro South | cls_lb@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Dalby Hospital | Darling Downs | consumer_liasion_ddhhs@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Mareeba Hospital | Cairns and Hinterland | CHHHS_feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
St George Hospital | South West | swhhs-consumer_feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Ipswich Hospital | West Moreton | wmh_clo@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Ayr Hospital | Townsville | feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Redlands Hospital | Metro South | consumer_liasion_bayside@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Logan Hospital | Metro South | CLS_LB@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Chinchilla Hospital | Darling Downs | consumer_liasion_ddhhs@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Mackay Hospital | Makay | mhhs-comms@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Thursday Island Hospital | Torres and Cape | tchhs-north-clo@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Stanthorpe Hospital | Darling Downs | consumer_liasion_ddhhs@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Mt Isa Hospital | North West | nwhhsclo@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Ingham Hospital | Townsville | feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Warwick Hospital | Darling Downs | consumer_liasion_ddhhs@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Proserpine Hospital | Makay | mhhs-comms@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Toowoomba Hospital | Darling Downs | consumer_liasion_ddhhs@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital | Metro North | wns-feedback@health.qld.gov.au, rbwh-pls@health.qld.gov.au, metronorthfeedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Rockhampton Hospital | Central Queensland | cqhhsconsumerfeedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Hervey Bay Hospital | Wide Bay | wbhsd-cgsu@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Gladstone Hospital | Central Queensland | cqhhsconsumerfeedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Charleville Hospital | South West | swhhs-consumer_feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Emerald Hospital | Central Queensland | cqhhsconsumerfeedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Caboolture Hospital | Metro North | cabh-feedback@health.qld.gov.au, metronorthfeedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Sunshine Coast Hospital | Sunshine Coast | sc-plo-inquiry@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Gympie Hospital | Sunshine Coast | sc-plo-inquiry@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Redcliffe Hospital | Metro North | redh-feedback@health.qld.gov.au, metronorthfeedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Gold Coast University Hospital | Gold Coast | gcpls@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Innisfail Hospital | Cairns and Hinterland | CHHHS_feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Cairns Hospital | Cairns and Hinterland | CHHHS_feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Kingaroy Hospital | Darling Downs | consumer_liasion_ddhhs@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Cooktown Hospital | Torres and Cape | tchhs-north-clo@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Biloela Hospital | Central Queensland | cqhhsconsumerfeedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Roma Hospital | South West | swhhs-consumer_feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Townsville Hospital | Townsville | feedback@health.qld.gov.au | DLO@health.qld.gov.au |
Supporting documents
This is the document that contains our Federal Health Minister's letter, State Health Minister's letter, RANZCOG letter and ACM letter.
Other contacts
Office of the Health Ombudsmen (OHO)
Queenslands Human Rights Commission (QHRC)